List your business on Google

How to get your website to appear in Google

  1. How to get indexed by Google

This process is good practice when you publish a new post or page. You’re effectively telling Google that you’ve added something new to your site and that they should take a look at it.

  1. Go to Google Search Console.
  2. Navigate to the URL inspection tool
  3. Paste the URL you’d like Google to index into the search bar.
  4. Wait for Google to check the URL
  5. Click the “Request indexing” button

2. List your business on Google by creating a Google Business account

Go to

Follow the various prompts to add your:

- Business Name

- Map Location

- Contact Details

- Website Address

- Photos

- Products

- Business Hours

Your business should then be listed on Google once you have verified your account.

In order to verify your account, Google will need to send you a letter via post with a confirmation code. Once you receive this letter, you will be able to follow the prompts and verify the website.